During university we have always been trying to get involved with physical activities to keep ourselves healthy. We tried to involve with physical exercise by joining gym during our university time. It was very difficult due to limited availability of our time as well as living not so close to campus. For that reason, we had to carry our gym clothes with trainer along with our laptop and books. We wanted to eat healthy at the same time to maintain our diet. We bought lunch bag and gym bag to carry those stuff although we had a laptop bag. We ended up carrying three separate bags at the same time and also spent a lot of money to buy those bags! It was even worst for some of my friends who had to buy separate functional bag for different reason such as Camera bag. We thought there must be some platform where we would be able to customize bag functionalities within a bag as we need. Surprisingly we were unable to find any product which could meet our requirements. Our own problem motivated us to come up with a solution.
The idea is to create a bag platform where people will choose one bag to meet their necessity. The bag will have three section, one fixed and two separable section. People will be able to swap with different separable multifunctional section with these two separable sections if require. These will help them to organise by carrying necessary things on daily basis and also save money for not buying too many bags!
We have developed our idea with a design of our very first bag! Tribag! Tribag is a unique three compartment bag which could be used in two separate modes – work (including messenger bag) and second bag – (food and gym bag). Tribag is directed to young professionals as well as student who love to exercise and eat healthy food. The Bag is unique because it meets the need of some many people who want to exercise and eat healthy.
The project Has won so far
The Initial Seed business winner
Enterprise Fund University of Hertfordshire October 2015
The Enterprise Fund has been launched to support students with innovative and viable business ideas. Financial awards and mentoring support will be provided to students judged to have enterprising ideas, a clearly identified market gap and scalability.
Young Entrepreneur Flare Level3 – Finalist 2015
University of Hertfordshire’s Enterprise 2015
Flare is the University of Hertfordshire’s competition to help students and alumni launch new businesses or come up with an innovative idea.
It offers budding entrepreneurs support and training in areas such as writing a business proposal and offers prize money to help bring ideas to life.
Unfortunately the project is still under development and I cannot show any images before the design registration but the project is the most developed product in my career. We have build a model, one prototype and we are expecting a second alfa prototype very soon.